★ 運転免許サンプルテスト ★


Directions : Study the handbook before you take the test.
Each question has three answer choices. Chose one answer and mark an X in the box across from the answer. Do not talk while taking the test, use any books or notes, or leave the test area before your test has been graded. It may result in a test failure and you may be suspended or revoked.

    ● 6 or fewer errors for original applicants
    ● 3 or fewer errors for renewal applicants

※ 実際のテストでは正しい答えに X印 を □(箱)の中に書き入れますが、下記の問題では正しい答えを、A,B,C の中から選んでください。  

1.    You must make a written report (SR 1) to DMV when :

                A : Your vehicle fails a smog test
                B : You are involved in an accident and there is an injury
                C : You changed your insurance company

2.    U-turns in business districts are :

            A : Always illegal because they are dangerous
            B : Legal whenever oncoming vehicle are not a hazard
            C : Legal only at intersections, unless a sign prohibits them

3.    It is illegal for a person 21 years of age or older to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) that is __________ or higher.

            A : 0.08% --- Eight hundredths of one percent
            B : 0.10% --- One tenth of one percent
            C : 0.05% --- Five hundredths of one percent

4.    When may you legally go around or under a railroad crossing gate?

            A : Under no circumstances
            B : When you can see clearly in both directions
            C : When you do not think a train is coming

5.    You must yield the right-of-way to an emergency vehicle by :

            A : Driving as near to the right edge of the road as possible and stopping
            B : Moving into the right lane and driving slowly until it has passed
            C : Stopping immediately, even if you are in an intersection

6.    You are approaching an intersection with a flashing yellow signal light. What should you do?

            A : Maintain your speed but watch for other vehicles
            B : Stop before crossing the intersection
            C : Slow down and cross carefully

7.    Two sets of solid double, yellow line spaced two feet or more apart :

            A : May only be crossed to enter a private driveway
            B : Should be treated like a solid wall and not be crossed
            C : Designate a lane for beginning or ending left-hand turns

8.    While driving, you should look 10 to 15 seconds ahead of you :

            A : And focus on the middle of the road
            B : Because it's a legal requirement
            C : To see potential hazards early

9.    You are waiting to turn right at a traffic light. There is a pedestrian on the right side of your vehicle to cross the street you want to enter. Who has the right-of-way when your light turn green?

            A : The pedestrian has the right-of way
            B : You have the right-of-way only if the crosswalk is not marked
            C : You have the right-of-way because your light is green

10.    It is against the law to enter an intersection when :

            A : You can's get all the way across before the light turns red
            B : The light is flashing yellow and you didn't stop first
            C : The light is yellow and you cannot stop safely

11.    At an uncontrolled intersection where you can't see cross traffic until you are just about to enter the intersection, the speed limit is :

            A : 15 mph
            B : 25 mph
            C : 10 mph

12.    If your vehicle starts to lose traction because of water on the road (hydroplane). you should :

            A : Drive at a constant speed to gain better traction
            B : Apply the brakes firmly to prevent your vehicle from sliding
            C : Slow down gradually and not apply the brakes

13.    The two-way road you are driving on has a lane marked as shown in the picture. This lane is used :

            A : To begin or end left turns or start a permitted U-turn
            B : As a regular driving lane during periods of heavy traffic
            C : To pass other vehicle that are moving slowly

14.    You must notify DMV within 5 day if you :

            A : Paint your vehicle a different color
            B : Are cited for a traffic violation
            C : Sell or transfer your vehicle

15.    Safely backing your vehicle includes all of the following except :

            A : Looking over your right shoulder as you back up
            B : Checking behind your vehicle before you get in
            C : Tapping your horn before you back up

16.    It is night. A car coming towards you has its high beams on which makes it hard to see the road. You should :

            A : Look ahead towards the left edge of your lane
            B : Look ahead toward the right edge of your lane
            C : Slow down and look straight ahead in your lane

17.    A person may legally ride in the back of a pickup truck when :

            A : The sides of the pickup bed are at least 24 inches high
            B : The back of the pickup is covered with a camper shell
            C : In secured seats and using approved safety belts

18.    This sign means :

            A : The road curves to the left
            B : Road hazard to the left
            C : Left turn permitted on green arrow only

19.    You may not park a passenger vehicle at any time :

            A : Next to a curb painted red
            B : Within 1000 feet of a police station
            C : In front of a school when children are present

20.    Unless otherwise posted, the speed limit in a residential area is :

            A : 35 mph
            B : 30 mph
            C : 25 mph

21.    Which of these statements is true about large trucks?

            A : They take longer to stop than passenger cars
            B : They all have air brakes which allow them to stop quickly
            C: They are more maneuverable than passenger vehicles

22.    You are stopped. You want to make a left turn, but there are oncoming vehicles close by. You Should :

            A : Turn immediately if there are no pedestrians nearby
            B : Give the oncoming vehicles the right-of-way
            C : Take your right-of-way by driving in front of the oncoming traffic

23.    Use your headlights on rainy, snowy, or foggy days :

            A : On the high-beam setting
            B : So other drivers can see you
            C : Only when other vehicles are around

24.    If you're driving and finding it hard to stay awake, you should :

            A : Change lanes frequently
            B : Open your windows
            C : Pull off the road and rest

25.    Which of these statements is true about motorcycles?

            A : Motorcycles are small and can easily be seen by drivers
            B : Motorcycles may not share traffic lanes
            C : Motorcycles should be followed at a greater distance

26.    Unless prohibited by a sign, you may make a U-turn at :

            A : Green lights and green arrows
            B : Red lights and green light arrows
            C : Green lights and red arrows

27.    Which of these is the proper way to change lanes?

            A : Signal, check your mirrors, and then change lanes
            B : Signal and look over your shoulder before you change lanes
            C : Check your mirrors and then change lanes

28.    You are driving 55 mph in the far left (fast) lane of a freeway posted for 65 mph. You could be cited for driving too slowly :

            A : If the road or weather conditions warrant driving this slowly
            B : If you block the normal and reasonable flow of traffic
            C : Under no circumstances because it is always safer to drive slower than other traffic

29.    If you are arrested for drunk driving and refuse to take a test of your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) :

            A : Your license will be suspended for at least on year
            B : Your license will not be immediately suspended or revoked
            C : You have the right to speak to a lawyer before taking the test

30.    Which way do you turn your front wheels to park downhill next to a curb?

            A : Into the curb
            B : Away from the curb
            C : Parallel to the curb

31.    Always look carefully for motorcycles before you make a turn because :

            A : They must have a full traffic lane
            B : They always have the right-of-way at intersections
            C : Their smaller size makes them harder to see

32.    This sign means you :

            A : May turn left only on a green arrow
            B : May turn left on a green light when it is safe
            C : Must wait for the solid green light before you turn left

33.    When can you drive using only your parking lights?

            A : 30 minutes after sunset or 30 minutes before sunrise
            B : Under no circumstances
            C : On foggy days when visibility is low

34.    You should increase the distance between your car and the vehicle ahead when you :

            A : Follow a small passenger car
            B : Are being tailgated by another driver
            C : Drive slower than the posted speed limit

35.    Which of these statements is true about blind spots?

            A : You only need to turn and look over your right shoulder for lane changes to the right or left
            B : Look over your right shoulder for a right lane change and your left shoulder for a left lane change
            C : Vehicles with two outside mirrors do not have blind spots

36.    An orange-colored sign like this means there is :

            A : Road work ahead
            B : An accident ahead
            C : A detour ahead

サンプルテスト(その2) 解答

問 1 B 問  11 A 問  21 A 問  31 C
問 2 C 問  12 C 問  22 B 問  32 B
問 3 A 問  13 A 問  23 B   33 B
問   4 A 問  14 C 問  24 C   34 B
問   5 A 問  15 C 問  25 C 問  35 B
問   6 C 問  16 B 問  26 A   36 A
問   7 B 問  17 C 問  27 B
問   8 C 問  18 A 問  28 B
問   9 A 問  19 A 問  29 A
10 A 問  20 C 問  30 A


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