★ 運転免許サンプルテスト ★


Directions : Study the handbook before you take the test.
Each question has three answer choices. Chose one answer and mark an X in the box across from the answer. Do not talk while taking the test, use any books or notes, or leave the test area before your test has been graded. It may result in a test failure and you may be suspended or revoked.

    ● 6 or fewer errors for original applicants
    ● 3 or fewer errors for renewal applicants

※ 実際のテストでは正しい答えに X印 を □(箱)の中に書き入れますが、下記の問題では正しい答えを、A,B,C の中から選んでください。  

1.    A large truck is driving in the middle of three lanes. You want to pass the large truck. It is best to pass :

                A : Quickly on the left and move ahead of it
                B : Very slowly on the left and move ahead of it
                C : Very quickly on the right and move ahead of it

2.    On a sharp curve, you should use your brakes to slow your vehicle :

            A : Just after you enter the curve
            B : During the entire time you drive through the curve
            C : Before you enter the curve

3.    Unless otherwise posted, the speed limit in a business district is :

            A : 25 mph
            B : 35 mph
            C : 30 mph

4.    Driving slower than the traffic flow tends to

            A : Make an accident less likely to happen
            B : Make an accident more likely to happen
            C : Not change the chance of having an accident

5.    It is illegal for a person 21 years of age or older to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) that is _______________ or higher?

            A : 0.08% --- Eight hundredths of one percent
            B : 0.10% --- One tenth of one percent
            C : 0.05% --- Five hundredths of one percent

6.    When you are in a dedicated turn lane controlled by a green arrow, which of the following is true?

            A : All vehicles or pedestrians in the intersection must yield to you
            B : All oncoming vehicles and pedestrians are stopped by red lights
            C : You may turn in the arrow's direction without checking traffic

7.    When looking ahead of your vehicle while driving, you should look :

            A : Straight ahead at all times
            B : Only at the car ahead of you
            C : Back and forth, near and far

8.    If you are caught driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) at or above the legal limit :

            A : You will be issued an order suspending your driving privilege
            B : Your breath test result by itself cannot be used to convict you
            C : Your car will be immediately seized and sold at auction, regardless of your license status

9.    This sign means :

            A : One lane road to the right
            B : One way street --- traffic travels to the right
            C : All traffic must turn right ahead

10.    You are driving on a divided street with multiple lanes in your direction. If you need to make a U-turn, where should you start?

            A : In the median
            B : On the shoulder
            C : In the left lane

11.    Use your high-beam headlights at night :

            A : As little as possible
            B : Only on unlighted streets
            C : Whenever it is legal and safe

12.    When stopped at railroad tracks with multiple tracks, cross :

            A : Only when you can see clearly in both directions
            B : As soon as the train has passed your roadway
            C : Only when other vehicle begin crossing

13.    You must notify DMV within 5 days if you :

            A : Sell or transfer your vehicles
            B : Paint your vehicle a different color
            C : Are cited for a traffic violation

14.    It is illegal to leave a child six years of age or younger unattended in a motor vehicle :

            A : When the keys are in the ignition
            B : If the child is accompanied by a 12-year old brother or sister
            C : Only if the engine is running

15.    If another driver "cuts" in front of you, it would be better if you :

            A : Brake suddenly
            B : Take your foot off the gas
            C : Accelerate to avoid being "cut off"

16.    This sign means parking is allowed :

            A : Only for person in wheelchairs
            B : For disabled persons without a special placard or plate
            C : Only for disabled persons with a special placard or plate

17.    Which of these is true about other drivers?

            A : Truck drivers are professionals and pose less of a hazard
            B : Drivers using turn signals always turn in the direction indicated
            C : Never assume other drivers will give you right-of-way

18.    This sign means :

            A : You must turn left or make a U-turn
            B : Left or U-turn permitted on any green light
            C : Left or U-turn permitted on green arrow

19.    There is one lane in your direction and the vehicle ahead of you often slows down for no apparent reason. In this situation you should :

            A : Speed up to pass the vehicle as soon as possible
            B : Increase the following distance between you and the other vehicle
            C : Flash your headlights quickly to alert the other driver

20.    If an oncoming vehicle has started to turn left in front of you :

            A : Honk your horn to warn the driver and maintain your speed
            B : Maintain your speed and take your right-of-way
            C : Slow or stop your car to prevent an accident

21.  You are driving on a five-lane freeway in the lane closest to the center driver. To exit the freeway on the right you should :

            A : Carefully cross all the lanes at one time
            B : Change lanes one at a time until you are in the proper lane
            C : Slow before beginning each lane change

22.    The Speed limit posted on a road is 55 mph. When this road is wet :

            A : Maintain a 55 mph speed
            B : Drive 5 to 10 mph under the limit
            C : Drive 20 to 25 mph under the limit

23.    Turn your front wheels toward the curb when you park :

            A : Facing downhill
            B : Facing uphill
            C : On a level road

24.    There are two traffic lanes in your direction. You are driving in the left lane and many cars are passing you on the right. You should :

            A : Stay in your lane so you don't impede the traffic flow
            B : Drive onto the left shoulder to let the other vehicles pass
            C : Move over into the right lane when it is safe

25.    When you back up in a passenger vehicle :

            A : Rely on your rearview mirror
            B : Look over your right shoulder through your rear window
            C : Only use your side and rearview mirrors

26.    You should usually drive your vehicle slower when you :

            A : Are near schools, playgrounds, and in residential areas
            B : Pass large trucks on the freeway
            C : Want to look at a controlled accident scene

27.    Where should you stop your vehicle when there is no crosswalk or limit line?

            A : Just past the corner
            B : At the corner
            C : Fifteen feet before the corner

28.    A school bus has stopped ahead on your side of the road and is flashing its red lights. What should you do?

            A : Stop first, then proceed when you think it is safe
            B : Stop as long as the red lights flash
            C : Stop until all the children have crossed your lane

29.    What is the best advice for driving when heavy fog or dust occurs?

            A : Try not to drive until the conditions improve
            B : Do not drive too slowly, because other drivers may hit you
            C : Alternate your low and high beams to improve your vision

30.    You can be fined up to $1000 and jailed for six months if you are cited for :

            A : Dumping or abandoning an animal on highway
            B : Making a U-turn from a center left-turn lane
            C : Parking in a bicycle lane

31.    This sign means :

            A : Lanes merge ahead
            B : Divided highway ahead
            C : Obstructed roadway ahead

32.    You are driving slowly in the fast lane of a four-lane freeway. There is traffic behind you in your lane. The driver behind you wishes to drive faster. You Should :

            A : Not change lanes if you are driving the speed limit
            B : Change lanes to the right when safe to do so
            C : Only change lanes if five or more vehicles are behind you

33.    If you are involved in an accident, you must exchange with the other person(s) involved, your driver license information and :

            A : Proof of insurance only
            B : Proof of insurance and vehicle registration only
            C : Proof of insurance, vehicle registration, and current address

34.    Do not cross double solid yellow lines in the center of the roadway to :

            A : Pass other vehicles
            B : Make a left turn
            C : Enter a private driveway

35.    You are approaching an intersection. The traffic signal light is flashing red. What should you do?

            A : Cautiously continue driving though the intersection
            B : Stop before entering, then proceed when safe
            C : Stop before entering. Wait for the green light before proceeding

36.    You want to back out of an angled parking space. You should always back slowly and look :

            A : At your rearview mirror as you back up
            B : At your side mirrors as you back up
            C : Over your right shoulder as you back up

サンプルテスト(その1) 解答

問 1 A 問  11 C 問  21 B 問  31 B
問 2 C 問  12 A 問  22 B 問  32 B
問 3 A 問  13 A 問  23 A   33 C
問   4 B 問  14 A 問  24 C   34 A
問   5 A 問  15 B 問  25 B 問  35 B
問   6 B 問  16 C 問  26 A   36 C
問   7 C 問  17 C 問  27 B
問   8 A 問  18 C 問  28 B
問   9 B 問  19 B 問  29 A
10 C 問  20 C 問  30 A


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